Europoli News

Selection of Europoli's News  of interest for the Dauin Department.

  • Europoli 03.05.2024

    - Webinar online “How to design and write a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship proposal”, 7 e 14 maggio ore 9.00-12.00
    - Webinar online  “How to design and write an ERC proposal”, 22 e 29 maggio ore 9.30-12.00 

  • EUROPOLI 23.04.2024

    BANDI: Horizon Europe programme 2023-2025: Apertura topic Cluster 4 “Digital, Industry and Space” - scadenza 18/09/2024

  • EUROPOLI 12.03.2024

    BANDI: Interreg Europe: 3° invito a presentare proposte aperte dal 20/02/2024 al 07/06/2024 

    NOVITA’ DALL’EUROPA: ESFRI Science Clusters Position Statement

  • EUROPOLI 17.04.2024

    IN EVIDENZA: Infoday su European Research Council (ERC) – 8 maggio h 10.00-12.30 Sala Emma Strada