Category: Notices
State: Archived

Luigi Borzì was awarded the “Most promising researcher in robotics"

Luigi Borzì, researcher at the Department of Control and Computer Engineering - DAUIN, was awarded in the second edition of the Most promising researcher in robotics and artificial intelligence, the award dedicated to young researchers organized by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and organized in collaboration with the Campus Bio University - Rome and the GEDI Group. The winner's awards ceremony took place during the RomeCup 2024 in Rome, in the Campidoglio, on March 22nd.

Luigi Borzì presented a project to continuously and non-intrusively monitor movement disorders in daily life. A wearable single autonomous device ensures this monitoring at the waist. It is used to collect movement data from whose analysis it is possible to completely characterize the physical activity and evaluate postural instability, the risk of falling, and the response to treatment.