The Department of CONTROL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (DAUIN) is the point of reference in Politecnico di Torino for the area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) which studies the methodologies and technologies used for the management, processing and transmission of information.
DAUIN promotes, coordinates and manages basic and applied research, training, technology transfer and services to the local community in the areas of systems and control engineering, computer science and computer engineering and operations research.

Department NewsRSS feed

12 marzo

Intelligenza artificiale: la nuova rivoluzione del mondo. Lavoro, industria, economia e politica

Giovedì Scienza dietro l'angolo. Interviene Marco Mezzalama, prof. emerito

Beeozanam - Community Hub, Via Foligno 14, Torino

Machine Learning Algorithms, Egocentric action recognition, GPU architectures

Award 2024 for the best PhD dissertations in Computer and Control Engineering

January - June 2025

DAUIN at School, for an informed choice about one's future

PCTO orientation courses in the ICT field for high school students